Airen RedMouseR Two Gaming Mouse - Test/Review
Mit der RedMouseR Two schickt die Firma Airen einen überarbeitete Gaming Mouse auf den Prüfstand.
Von Hannes Obermeier am 31.01.2011 - 04:11 Uhr


Mit der RedMouseR Two schickt die Firma Airen einen überarbeitete Gaming Mouse auf den Prüfstand. Der Low Budget Nager wird von uns auf Herz und Nieren getestet. Mehr dazu im anschließenden Testbericht.
Über Airen
The letters AI in our company name can be understand in three ways. As the first meaning, it comes from the Chinese word for "Love" that we dedicate to our product ENgineering. The second meaning is Additional Innovation that we always add to our products. And finally, bringing the new ENergy AIR to Your life, this is AIRen.
We are stable and well-coordinated team of designers, engineers, managers and workers with more than 10 years of experiences. Due to the strong technological background and high-quality specialists, we are ranked among the first-class computer peripheral manufacturers. We guarantee quality, innovative solution and flexibility.

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