Unraveling Destiny 2: Fall of the Cabal, Red Legion's Alliance, and Calus's Return
If you've never played Destiny 2, we encourage you to familiarize yourself a little with the storyline of this great game and understand why millions of players around the world spend weeks playing this game. This is not just a shooter, it is a full-fledged world with its own history and exciting plot twists with many interesting characters.
Von Christoph Miklos am 16.05.2024 - 04:25 Uhr - Quelle: E-Mail





Anfang 2000




If you've never played Destiny 2, we encourage you to familiarize yourself a little with the storyline of this great game and understand why millions of players around the world spend weeks playing this game. This is not just a shooter, it is a full-fledged world with its own history and exciting plot twists with many interesting characters.
This is both an advantage and a disadvantage of the game, because after all, many players, especially beginners, find it difficult to immediately get involved in the game. There is a lot to learn before you can start playing. At the same time, developers are constantly releasing updates, and adding new content. For example, the Trials of Osiris are one of the most popular activities among players, but not everyone will be able to participate there right away. That's why many players order Skycoach trials carry to get cool prizes. Boosting is available to every player and many choose it because it is easier to integrate into the game, learn new things, and develop quickly. Now let's move on to the plot of this exciting shooter.
Fall of the Cabal capital. The arrival of Caiatl
The Cabal Empire could not remain in discord forever. And just as the Black Fleet struck the people, the Red Legion began to gather around a new leader - Caiatl, the daughter of Emperor Calus. She promised not to repeat the mistakes of her father and at the same time move away from Ghaul's fanaticism. However, it was not only the desire for change that forced the empress to convene all forces. The Hive had been an enemy of the Cabal for years and at a certain point began to put pressure on them on all fronts. Taking into account the losses in the solar system, it became increasingly difficult to resist him. But what was especially unexpected for everyone was the fall of the capital of the Empire, Torabatla. Summoner General Umun'arath, one of the leaders of the rebellion against Calus, was carried away by the ideas of the largest army of Darkness. She saw in his fighters ideal soldiers who knew neither fear nor pain. Gradually, the hobby grew into worship. Strange symbols covered the officer's rooms, and her insanity became obvious to everyone, including Caiatl. However, she did not take proper action against her teacher and simply let her go. When Umun performed the dark ritual already in the city square, even her death could not prevent the inevitable. The forces of Xivu Arath burst through the opened portal and began the invasion. The defense of the cities went on for a long time. The only option to preserve at least a chance of survival was to retreat. The only question that remained was where to retreat. The Empress pointed to the Traveler. She was ready to ally with the Guardians.
The Red Legion is a companion of the Guardians
At the meeting with the leader of the Vanguard, Caiatl did not ask for friendship and did not offer to stand shoulder-to-shoulder against a common enemy. She ordered him to kneel before her. Commander Zavala couldn't allow that. And the Red Legion could not do without bloodshed. To recruit the best under her banner, the Empress announced the revival of the Proof ritual. Throughout the solar system, Cabal officers conducted battles and combat missions in the hope of becoming part of the military elite. These actions, of course, destabilized the situation in the sector, which is why the Guardians had to intervene and take part in traditional tests. And in this matter, they achieved such success that they managed to say their word to Caiatl again, and then challenge one of her best fighters to battle and defeat him. The time has come to confirm the union. Meanwhile, the idea of an assassination attempt on the leader of the Vanguard was brewing in the Cabal camp. During the conclusion of the treaty, with one shot from a hidden sniper, Commander Zavala was deprived of the Light for several seconds. Seizing the moment, Psion, who was present at the negotiations, pointed his blade at the weakened Guardian commander. But the conspirator did not expect a blow from behind: the empress herself prevented him at the last second. The Red Legion and the Vanguard became comrades in the fight against the Darkness. Together they confronted the Shining Hive of Savathun, regained control of Rasputin's satellites, and met other threats. And yet, not everything was perfect: internal disputes and incidents arose, and not everyone was happy with Caiatl’s leadership. Many Cabals began to be attracted to the side of Darkness.
Return of Calus, Acolyte of the Witness
Leviathan has reappeared in the solar system. Its appearance was disfigured, and the ship itself sent a signal that was not intended for either people or the Cabal. He was going to the Pyramid on Mars. Nightmares made themselves felt again and required special methods of dealing with them. Eris Morn used the magic of the Hive and the Crown of Sorrow to bind certain people to the Nightmares. Commander Zavala and Scout Raven had to overcome their fears and regrets to undermine the Pyramid's forces. Caiatl became an involuntary participant in the ritual: the image of her idol, Dominus Ghaul, came to her. From a familiar voice, reproaches and accusations of her weakness, doubt, subordination to former enemies, betrayal of the ideals of her people, loss of Torabatl, and loss of honor fell upon her. The Empress did not tolerate this, went out into battle alone, and was defeated: too much shame and doubt tormented her. Long thought, as well as the help and advice of the Vanguard Guardians, allowed Caiatl to gain determination and go out into battle a second time. She stopped striving for Ghaul's approval and lost her fear of becoming a copy of her father. She found reconciliation and stopped idealizing her former heroes. This dealt the final blow to the Pyramid and Calus's intentions. Although he suffered from Nightmares. During the battles with the Leviathan, the Guardians were allowed to immerse themselves in the consciousness of the exile. There it became clear how deep the wounds of the former emperor were. Memories of betrayal and the desire for universal approval still resonated with torment in him. Calus managed to perform another ritual and become the herald of the Witness.
In the future, they both had to once again bring humanity to the threshold of Collapse.
Christoph Miklos ist nicht nur der „Papa“ von Game-/Hardwarezoom, sondern seit 1998 Technik- und Spiele-Journalist. In seiner Freizeit liest er DC-Comics (BATMAN!), spielt leidenschaftlich gerne World of Warcraft und schaut gerne Star Trek Serien.

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