How to earn free bitcoin with bitcoin games?
Whenever bitcoin touches an all-time, people get more enticed by bitcoin and wonder how to earn bitcoins. However, the free of cost methods to avail of this digital currency listed below will not make you a millionaire.
Von Christoph Miklos am 19.02.2022 - 23:09 Uhr - Quelle: E-Mail




Anfang 2000




Whenever bitcoin touches an all-time, people get more enticed by bitcoin and wonder how to earn bitcoins. However, the free of cost methods to avail of this digital currency listed below will not make you a millionaire.
However, if you want to earn a bitcoin unit without investing a single penny, you are good to go with these potential methods. So, let's get to know about some free methods to earn bitcoin. If you are interested in bitcoin trading check how to dig bitcoin with your smartphone.
Bitcoin Faucets!
Faucets are usually micro worker platforms as whenever you complete an assigned task on the platform, it rewards you with fiat currencies or in-game tokens. Bitcoin faucets work on a similar concept, but it rewards you bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies when you complete a task on this platform.
Bitcoin faucets are very famous amongst millennials, as the task a player has to perform to get the reward is a piece of cake. The list of tasks present on this platform includes listening to an advertisement, completing a survey, streaming a website for a specific period, reading books, and playing some games.
Bitcoin faucets do not directly pay the users in bitcoin as they pay the user in Satoshi. Satoshi is the tiniest fragment of BTC, and 100 million Satoshi collectively form one bitcoin. The list of profound bitcoin faucets includes platforms like cointiply, bonus bitcoin, freebitco. in Free Faucet Satoshi lab, Satoshi hero and many others.
Bitcoin faucets are a completely legal and authentic method to earn free bitcoin. Every bitcoin faucet has a definite withdrawal limit. Proficient bitcoin faucets have a withdrawal limit of nearly 10 K Satoshi. Undoubtedly, you cannot earn this amount in one day, but if you keep patience and be consistent, you can achieve this target in a few days.
Bitcoin Games!
Bitcoin games are classified as an entertaining and engaging method to earn bitcoin; that being said, let's what makes bitcoin games different from other methods of earning bitcoin. GameFi or blockchain games are top-rated these days, and these games help you make money by selling NFTs in marketable.
You can either exchange these NFTs with bitcoin. There are multiple free to play NFT games, and one of the popular one is Gods unchained, and the in-game currency of this game is GODS. Some other free to play NFT games are hinterlands, chain monster, the sandbox, coin hunt world, Axie infinity scholarship, guild of guardians and journey to godhood.
Bit fun is not an NFT based game, but still, it works on the play-to-earned model. Bit fun allows a player to withdraw free Satoshi by playing games and streaming advertisements. Spell Genesis is another famous play-to-earn game that can help earn free bitcoin by just playing a game.
Bitcoin Mining!
Whenever we hear about bitcoin mining, we picture gigantic mining machines and a big mining plant. But theoretically, bitcoin mining is possible with any computer. The profitability of cryptocurrency mining with a primary CPU is undeniably uncertain, but some special mining applications can make CPU mining very profitable. Not only CPU mining, play store comprised popular apps like miner gate and bitcoin miner that can make your android mining journey profitable.
Undeniably, a miner cannot create massive revenue from CPU mining, but it is 100% profit as you don't have to invest a penny. The advantage of using these mining apps is that these apps will not interfere with any other task running on the computer. Moreover, these apps do not decline the processing power of a computer.
Few popular mining applications compatible with the desktop are honey miner, nicehash cud miner and Roller coin. Honey miner is currently the most convenient platform to mine bitcoin. As per reports, you can earn $3-$4 every day by running a honey miner 24*7 on your computer. Cudo miner plumps the best cryptocurrency to mine according to the power of a computer. Finally, roller coins can help you in mining popular meme coins like Dogecoin.
The above listed are some procedures to earn free bitcoin.
Christoph Miklos ist nicht nur der „Papa“ von Game-/Hardwarezoom, sondern seit 1998 Technik- und Spiele-Journalist. In seiner Freizeit liest er DC-Comics (BATMAN!), spielt leidenschaftlich gerne World of Warcraft und schaut gerne Star Trek Serien.

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